- If you are pregnant you will need to make a booking appointment with the midwife when you are 8 weeks pregnant. This can be done by calling Four Woods Children Centre on 01752 366795 or by booking on-line at https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/midwife-booking.
During Pregnancy
Whilst you are pregnant and for the year following birth of your child, you will be entitled to free prescriptions. You will need to complete a Maternity Medical Exemption Form (FW8) at the surgery. For more information on this form, visit the NHS BSA website.
All pregnant women are advised to have a Pertussis vaccination (Whooping Cough) after their 19th week of pregnancy. This vaccination is given as it is highly effective in protecting your baby from developing whooping cough in the first few weeks of their life. More information can be found on the NHS website.
If you are pregnant during Flu season, you are entitled to have a vaccination.
More information on influenza in pregnancy can be found on the NHS website.